Tuesday, December 6, 2011


You're on the floor,writhing
agony must make you blind
shooting through your adolescent mind
electric shock-filled jolting waves
I wonder how, you are so brave
You squeeze my hand in yours frozen cold
until the medicine takes hold

When it happens,
where do you go?
Do you see fireworks,
like a July fourth show?
Do you "ooh" and "ahh" at the beauty,
that's inside your brain?
Are you really that removed,
from all the pain?

I want to believe
you don't remember a thing
I think it's crazy
hours later, you wake up hazy.
You ask me nicely for Mac n' cheese
and a bedtime story please
you smile and snuggle
never cause one whit of trouble.

I brush your brownish curled bangs back
off your sweaty young boy brow,
tuck you in again
and wonder on earth, how.
Dear boy, you never cease to astonish me
you grin at me mischeviously,
your eyelids flutter sleepily.

I whisper silent, with my eyes
thank up above, that you are mine
kiss your forehead, one last time.

Glancing at the stars on far
I know, I love you
Just as you are.

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